Spare wheels are thus inconveniently stored in futuristic cars!

Having been a eager British everlasting car zealot for many years (particularly loving of the Jensen unchanging cars of the to the lead sixties) I by yourself recently purchased a entirely protester luxurious futuristic car. &nb...

Having been a fervent British classic car devotee for many years (particularly loving of the Jensen classic cars of the to the fore sixties) I single-handedly recently purchased a entirely broadminded luxurious enlightened car.  My additional car is packed in the same way as what amounts to incredible technology.  But even subsequently such expensive advanced cars I have found one poor design aspect.

I am referring to the housing of the spare tyre and wheel.  In the Jensen CV8 and previously that, the Jensen 541S (as was the clash next many cars of the beforehand sixties) the spare wheel and tyre were stored below the boot and could be lowered from a dwindling just inside the boot. 

The most obvious advantage of this was, that even if the car was full of people and luggage, in the thing of having to replace a wheel, one did not have to believe the entire suitcase out to acquire at the spare.  If a wheel needed to be changed, more often than not, if it is going to happen, it will be in pouring rain!  next the entire luggage would have to be out in the rain, for all the time, it takes to fiddle with the wheel and to acquire the dirty, wet, damaged one help in the boot!

Worst still, many of the supplementary spare tyres now are of a special collapsed type (taking up less space) and the usual tyre will not fit in the sky provided.  for that reason now the entire suitcase and the dirty, wet, tyre will not be realistic to fit back up in to the boot! 

I expect the car manufacturers would claim, if challenged, that such a thing is unlikely to happen as it is legal that there seem to be less punctures these days than before.  However, I travel a lot in Spain and have found that there is a real risk of having a tyre carefully punctured (with a knife) as a method employed by thieves intending to steal from you.  subsequent to your tyre has been attacked (often at traffic lights) they later follow you and reduction out your problem, offering to help, whilst unusual is breathing robbing you.  This has happened to me twice now, luckily without them succeeding in stealing anything.  But upon the one occasion my car was truly packed full and I realised just how impossible it was to acquire at my spare.

With my Jensen 541S it was an simple concern to jack the car stirring whilst keeping dry inside the car.  Just in front of the two stomach seats the carpet was simply pulled away and a hermetic lid opened.  The Jack was subsequently dropped beside this hole and similar to the jacking stirring fitting, therefore that as one turned the handle the car could be lifted up.

I pull off not comprehend why these aspects are no longer incorporated in our forward looking designs.

Article Tags: advanced Cars, Entire suitcase

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