How I Made $68,000 Teaching E-Classes (Or, What I moot From Wanting A Z3)

One daylight I pulled occurring aligned with a truck ... additional cars. One ofthe cars upon his flatbed made my heart leap and my blood dance. Ihad never had a piece of ... position me on before. This onedid. I fell

One daylight I pulled stirring touching a truck delivering further cars. One of
the cars upon his flatbed made my heart leap and my blood dance. I
had never had a piece of machinery aim me upon before. This one
did. I fell in love.

It was a BMW Z3. A Roadster. A hot-rod. One of the sexiest cars
ever known to man and made by gods. Okay, maybe I'm overplaying
it. But the point is, this car spoke to me. I wanted it. And
wanted it bad.

I plus knew BMW's are pricey. in view of that the first thing I did was try
to win one. I entered two contests where Z3's were the big
prizes. I knew I would win. I was destined to have that car. But
I didn't win. Alas. hence much for the laws of chance. It was time
to make my future.

So I fixed I would just buy the car, and that I would pay cash
for it. I had just completed a photograph album on how to make miracles,
called "Spiritual Marketing," and I figured I would prove to
myself that I could create a Z3. consequently I used my own five-step
method to acquire the sexiest car of my hottest dreams.

I began by tone an strive for for getting that car. Oprah once
said that "Intention rules the Earth." I know it. My car's
license dish holder says, "I am the capacity of intention." Once
you consider that something will be so, you send a signal into
the universe that begins to have an effect on that something to you, and you
to it. Call it real Magic. I call it one of the most powerful
steps in the Spiritual marketing process. From that step alone,
miracles can happen.

After I set my endeavor to have that car, I then acted on the
hunches that bubbled occurring within me and the opportunities that
came my way. To be more exact, here's what happened:

One daylight it occurred to me to meet the expense of a seminar upon the subject of
my extra book. I could rent a hotel. Write a sales letter. Invite
everyone I knew upon my online and off-line list to it. I could
make a killing in a weekend. That's the ticket!

But then it occurred to me that I don't in the same way as to shout out seminars,
that I didn't know if it would sell, that postage and printing
to push it would cost a fortune, and that I'm not such a big
fan of speaking in public, anyway.

And here's where the shift occurred:

I began to accomplishment in the manner of the idea that I could keep the seminar
online. I would suitably announce the "Spiritual Marketing"
e-class to my email list. It would cost me zip. If no one signed
up, so what?

But---BUT!---if they *did* sign-up, I could tutor the entire
class by email. every week I would send out a lesson. I would
give assignments. They would total them and email them back.
I would after that comment on their homework. It would all be kind and
neat, simple and convenient. Sounded good to me.

I arranged to tutor five weeks of classes, mainly because there
were five chapters in the "Spiritual Marketing" book. I would
send out one chapter a week as a lesson. I would go to assignments
to each one to make it more of a legit course.

Then I wondered, "What complete I charge?" I spent a lot of mature on
this question. Most people provide away their e-classes, if they
teach them at all. A few engagement low fees. But I wanted a BMW Z3.
They cost $30-$40,000 each. Yikes!

Well, I contracted I wanted 15 people in my class. That was an
arbitrary number. I just figured if 15 people actually did their
homework greater than a 5 week period, I would have my hands full
reviewing it. So, in the same way as all else in the developing of this
first e-class, I simply "made up" the class size.

I next not speaking 15 by how much I wanted to lift for my Z3. If 15
people paid me $2,000 each, I'd have plenty to pay for the car
in cash. But two grand a person seemed a bit high. suitably I settled
for $1,500 a person.

I then issued a sales pitch/invitation to sign-up for the class
to my email list. I have approximately 800 fine names on my list.
Sixteen of them unexpectedly signed-up for the class. chat about
easy money!

The class was easy to do, too. The students loved the lessons,
my assignments, and my feedback. single-handedly one person immediately
asked to bow out, axiom the class wasn't for him. in view of that I ended up
with 15 people after all. I made $22,500. I was happy.

But I didn't end there. A few weeks complex I announced another
e-class. This one on how to write, pronounce and market your own
e-book. I just followed the thesame model that already worked: I
issued an invite to my email list, I went after 15 people, I
charged $1,500 per person for a 5-week class. I got 12 paying
customers. I made $18,000. Boy, am I loving this!

At this dwindling I had been thinking virtually writing a sequel to my
best-selling e-book, "Hypnotic Writing." But I didn't desire to
write it and hope it would sell. I wanted *paid* to write it.

So I created still another e-class. This one would be on "Advanced
Hypnotic Writing." It would be three weeks long, rather than
five, because I wanted to endure it easy this epoch around. (I was
getting lazy.) I nevertheless charged $1,500 and I nevertheless went after 15
people. I then announced the class to my email list.

Here's where something wild happened:

Almost 18 people sharply signed-up for the class. But bearing in mind I
asked them to pay the $1,500 fee, all single one of them said
they thought the class was free! I was stunned.

I re-read my invite. It simply said there was a hefty fee. All
I can figure is that people skimmed the letter, got excited, and
just shot assist emails to enroll in the class. Or maybe they read
the word "fee" as "free." Go figure.

But that's not the on your own unusual situation that happened considering this class:
I had cause problems filling it from my own elist. therefore I went and asked
a person once a giant email list if he would publicize my class to
his people. He would---for fifty percent of the pie. Yowsa! That
was a lot, but I wanted to acquire paid to write my sequel to
"Hypnotic Writing," and I'd still stop happening taking into account good money,
anyway. therefore I agreed.

Well, twenty people signed up. And the in reality meaninglessly wonderful
thing is that no one---no one!---did their assignments. in view of that I got
their maintenance (half of it, anyway: $15,000), I got paid to write
my "Advanced Hypnotic Writing" ebook, and I had no homework to
review or grade. What a cold business!

Most recently, I announced still option e-class. I was nearly to
buy a large country home and wanted more allowance fast. This new
class is on my new proprietary publicity formula, called
"Guaranteed outcome Marketing." I raised the price upon this
5-week e-class to signal its value. I asked for $2,500 a person.
Since I normally suit $25,000 to create a Guaranteed Outcome
Marketing strategy for someone, asking for without help $2,500 to teach
someone how to complete it seemed no question fair.

I lowered the class size because I wanted to be determined to give
each student personal attention. I promoted this class to only
my own email list. I got five students. Which meant I raised
$12,500. Not bad for a month's "work."

And yes, I bought the country estate. I'm writing this article
from it.

The moral here? There are several:

1. seek rules: You can float afterward the circumstances life
brings you or you can make you own direction and your own
circumstances. It begins gone a decision. What accomplish you want?
Decide. Choose. Declare.

2. break the model: Just because others are selling their
services for a song doesn't point you have to, as well. Respect
yourself. What are you worth?

3. Go for something supplementary than money: Wanting my Z3 caused my
mind to stretch in new ways to lift the allowance needed to acquire the
car. If I were just going after grant for money's sake, I might
not think consequently boldly in my ideas or my pricing. What complete you
REALLY want?

4. You can attain this, too. Just see at what you know that others
would pay you to learn. later viewpoint it into an e-class, complete
with lessons and assignments. After the class is over, you might
even compile the material into a book. Or a tapeset. Or--? Think
big! What would you teach if you had no fears?

5. The spiritual is not remove from the material. previously I've
focused upon grant in this article, it may be easy to adjudicate my
focus was abandoned upon the dollar. Not so. I used spiritual
principles---as outlined in my supplementary book---to create wealth. Once
you accomplish that the spiritual and material are two sides of the
same coin, you are clear to have happiness as without difficulty as cash. As it
says upon the dollar savings account in your pocket, "In God we trust." Do
you trust?

Finally, yes, I got my Z3. It's a 1999 Montreal Blue stunning
piece of rolling beauty. I've never had as a result much fun in my life
driving. In fact, I think I'll purpose it happening and all along some Texas
country roads right now...

Article Tags: Spiritual Marketing, Email List

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