Chevy OBD System Codes

As we know all cars manufactured after 1996 have to equip with generic second generation On-Board Diagnostics as with ease as OBD 2 codes specific to cars. as a consequence Chevrolets are without exception.

As we know every cars manufactured after 1996have to equip later generic second generation On-Board Diagnostics as capably as OBD2 codes specific to cars. along with Chevrolets are without exception. Chevroletsbuilt before 1996 use special, first generation OBD codes specific unaided to GM cars.

Since 1996, every cars regardless of the makeor model use the same basic OBD systematic codes. These codes are the similar onFords, Toyotas, Jeeps, Kia, BMW and every other car containing thosemanufactured by Chevrolet. OBD 2 codes play a part problems in swing areas of the car.These areas are identified by the first vibes of the code. "P"stands for capacity train faults; "B" stands for the body problems;"C" stands for chassis electronic malfunctions; and "U"stands for network communication problems. The code will be deferent betweenOBD2 and OBD 1.

General Motors OBD 2

Chevrolet, Buick, Oldsmobile and GMC areall the subsidiaries of General Motors. though the OBD 2 system was planned tostandardized diagnostics, wiggle room was left, permitting manufactures todefine extra codes as needed. After all, no two brands of engine are exactlythe same. The manufacturer-specific OBD 2 codes use the same format as thegeneric codes and use the same vibes prefixes to define the allowance of the carwhere the trouble has been detected.

Distinguishing Generic from GM OBD 2

Once distress codes have been retrieved froma Chevrolet's logical system, there is a method to tell which codes aremanufacturer-specific. For aptitude train codes, any code coming on similar to P1, P30,P31, P32 or P33 is manufacturer-specific. For chassis codes, any code beginningwith C1 or C2 is a GM code; GM's network communications codes begin considering U1 andU2, and GM-specific body codes every begin past B1 or B2.

General Motors OBD 1

Most Chevrolet cars manufactured before1995 use a flash code system of OBD 1. The methodical system can be placed intoself-mode and the error codes within the system will be relayed by a flashing"Check Engine" light. The codes can be diagnosed by counting thenumber and length of the flashes. GM mistake codes are two vibes numbers --the first number is represented by long flashes and the second by shorterflashes.

How to Access

OBD 2 codes just require a special,handheld OBD code reader or scanner. This device can be bought at most carparts stores. The scanner inserts in to the Chevrolet's data outlet, which isunder the driver's side dashboard. Each device differs in how codes areretrieved appropriately it's valuable to see stirring the scanner user manual for specificinstructions. An OBD1 self-test does not use a scanner. Instead, the system canbe jumped by connecting the "A" and "B" slots in the car'sdata port. Then, powering on the electrical system will set in motion the CheckEngine light to start flashing.

Article Tags: General Motors

Chevy OBD System Codes
Chevy OBD System Codes

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