Saving Our Beloved Cars and the Automotive Industry

The US organization is preparing to extend a innovation of $25 billion to the huge Three. The child support is going to be spent for providing cash for awfully managed companies and to manufacture cars bearing in mind well along mileage. Taxpayers must insist that their progress is secured and that they acquire more value and improved car operate for their money. Car companies must start reducing fuel consumption by developing advanced, high efficiency engines.

Once once again the US automotive industry is in dire straits. It did not learn from the 1973 vibrancy crisis. It did not learn from the Chrysler experience. It did not learn from Toyota. It continued to depend on old, worn out concepts and upon CEO's that are kept in their positions by nepotism and by boards that reach not understand the automotive business.

In a joint effort the huge Three are asking the US dealing out for a $25 billion loan. They argue that presidency demands for increased fuel efficiency are too costly to take on board and require big amounts of capital for retooling.

Let's acknowledge for the moment that the commotion has some merit. But how can companies in the same way as worldwide manufacturing services fail to proclamation the steady enlargement in fuel prices and not see the scolding signs hoisted by governments across the world that desire to limit greenhouse gas emissions and fossil fuel consumption. This desertion is inexcusable.

Efforts of US and European governments to limit fuel consumption are misdirected, counterproductive, and coercive. A collection analysis speedily reveals that we must indeed limit and eventually halt greenhouse gas emissions.

OPEC countries will continue their unstoppable increases of petroleum prices. Electric cars, CNG powered cars, and hydrogen powered cars cannot stop carbon dioxide emissions perceptibly and will not create our country independent of OPEC imports.

Automotive companies are logically dependent on the fickle and changing preferences of national and international markets. Industrial companies that follow embassy hype will be punished sooner or later. Governments are incapable of designing automobiles for the make public place.

The world is relegated to using automobiles, trucks, trains, ships, and airplanes for the next century and will have to faculty most of them afterward liquid transportation fuels. We may be skillful to use less of them, we will be nimble to shorten enthusiasm consumption, we can use further forms of enthusiasm for some transportation, and we can manufacture petroleum substitutes from biomass. We can even develop biomass without competing later than rationally important food crops.

In order to minimize fuel consumption quickly, the auto industry is forced to unity as soon as perform features. American drivers cannot avoid covering much longer distances than European or Japanese drivers. American drivers have less entry to public transportation, have larger families, and drive on alternative types of roads. Automotive companies must listen to their customers. Toyota and Honda have been listening most successfully.

American and foreign car companies have developed a broad range of satisfying cars following a broad variety of utilitarian and luxury features. Sportive cars and SUV's are attracting large numbers of buyers. every cars present a wide selection of comfort and entertainment features. One major car component has acknowledged only peripheral attention; it is the much maligned internal combustion engine.

Many ahead of its time internal combustion engines are marvels of engineering. Materials, manufacturing processes, and especially peripheral components have progressed to unprecedented levels of produce an effect and longevity. There is a last frontier that has escaped deserved attention. This is the intensely liveliness efficient combustion engine. This is the type of engine that the automotive engine needs to develop, this is the engine that legislators should make mandatory. This is the engine that we need to use for at least one more century.

Long term the automotive industry has to develop an definitely new, advanced, internal combustion engine!

Average energy efficiency of the worlds inventory of combustion engines is somewhere in the belittle mid-twenties. vivaciousness efficiency cannot grow indefinitely. following on the 50% efficiency mark, it will be difficult and no question costly to growth efficiency by a single percent. forward looking automotive engines are energetic in the mid-thirties. Large stationary engines are breaking the 45% mark. Large engines upon trains and ships are getting above 40%. Looking at the sum world inventory, we may still have a unplanned to nearly double life efficiency and to cut cartoon consumption of present inventory in half.

We cannot accomplish this ambition by legislating fuel consumption of cars only. We can attain optimum vibrancy efficiency deserted by reengineering the processes taking place within and going on for the internal combustion space.

We know that future compression ratios will accumulation sparkle efficiency, we know how to develop high octane fuel, we know why Diesel engines are more efficient, we know how to minimize formation of pollutants. The automotive industry has developed a huge selection of cutting edge electronic components for single cylinder fuel injection, for perfect controls of valve doings and ignition timing, and for reclaiming waste vivaciousness at the exhaust.

No company seems to have found the nerve to get a hop upon the competition and build the successor to the two more than century old engine concepts; the Otto and the Diesel engines.

If the US paperwork decides to extend a $25 billion build up to the automotive industry, it should include a few conditions. The loan needs to be secured and must endure precedent exceeding shareholder equity. The fee should stipulate that the salaries of summit executive are tethered to salaries of additional top CEO's in the manner of that of the US President. The obscene bonuses of yesterday should be paid unaccompanied after a waiting become old of at least five years; in which in the past unconditionally on executive objectives must have been met or exceeded.

We must stop the prevalent looting of cash from US manufacturing companies by unprincipled investors. These investors realize not contribute everything of lasting value. They are excessively rewarded for defilement like healthy companies. We cannot continue to let a chosen few impoverish the many and destroy our country irreparably.

Article Tags: Automotive Industry, Learn From, Fuel Consumption, Internal Combustion, simulation Efficiency

Saving Our Beloved Cars and the Automotive Industry
Saving Our Beloved Cars and the Automotive Industry

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